Friday, December 15, 2006

Eagles at Banner Marsh and Copperas Landing

On our way to Copperas Landing, we stopped by Bell's Landing after spotting two eagles flying over the bluffs on the other side of the highway. We stopped at the entrance, just off the highway. It was an adult and a juvenile. We then spotted a second juvenile, then a third, then a fourth, and finally a second adult. A family. Well, maybe not a family, but it looked like one! They were flying together, back and fourth across the bluffs. It was an amazing sight! Photos here are a second-year juvenile interacting with an adult.

Adult and Juvenile Bald Eagle 2.

Downy Woodpecker.

Downy Flight.

Song or Swamp Sparrow?

American Tree Sparrow.

Great Blue Heron 1.

Great Blue Heron 2.

Bald Eagle at Copperas Landing.

Red-tailed Hawk.

Mystery Hawk--most likely a Red-tailed.

Most likely a Red-tailed Hawk.

Hawk, departing.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Illinois River Valley -- Eagles and more!

Illinois River from Poplar Lane Park as the morning fog began to lift.

Poplar Lane Park in fog.

Could this be a Bluebird? I couldn't see it very well and this was the best photo I could get.

Eagle Nest 1.

Eagle Nest 2.

Eagle Nest 3.

Eagle Nest 4.

White-crowned Sparrow at Woodford County Wildlife Area.

Marshal County State Fish & Wildlife Area.

Eagle flight 1. He is getting ready to take off.

Eagle flight 2.

Eagle flight 3.

Eagle flight 4.

Eagle flight 5.

Eagle flight 6. Going in for a catch!.

Eagle flight 7. He got something!

Eagle flight 8. And he lost it . . .

Eagle flight 9.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Eagles Along the Illinois River

We found 10 Bald Eagles on a short drive from Peoria to Chillicothe this afternoon. We found most of the eagles along River Beach Road. The weather was warm, but overcast. The snow (we had 18 inches last weekend!) was finally melting, causing a mist to flow out over the river.

Bald Eagle, thinking about leaving.

Bald Eagle flight 1.

Bald Eagle flight 2.

Second-year Bald Eagle.