Friday, September 12, 2008

If You Could Just Hear the Bumblebees

If you could hear the bumblebees.
If you heard it, you could see it:
the flowers, the bumblebees--
could you kill it?
How many butterfly
and plant species
are you going to kill?
Think about what you are doing.
You, about to proscribe it
with this mine.

Decurrent False Asters carpet a 24 acre blooming meadow by Prairie Lane
Road. The sound of the bees buzzing in the field drowned out all other
thoughts or sounds. This is in the heart of the proposed mining site between
Rice Lake and Banner Marsh. This is one more reason to oppose the mining
operation at this site.
Please consider signing the petition asking the USFWS to investigate this
site to prevent violation of the Migratory Bird and Bald Eagle protection
acts, as well as the Endangered Species Act.

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Blue Vervain

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